The Two Types of Photographers: Embracing the Art of Photographing and Loving Photographs

I recently stumbled upon an interesting concept that really resonated with me, and I wanted to share it with all of you. The idea comes from my favorite photographer, Jay Maisel, who mentioned in a Scott Kelby interview that there are two types of photographers: those who love photographing and those who love photographs. Today, I want to dive deeper into this idea and discuss how our preferences can ebb and flow as we journey through the world of photography.

The Thrill of the Hunt

For some photographers, the excitement lies in the process of capturing images. They enjoy exploring their surroundings with their camera, always on the lookout for the perfect moment. Whether it's a stunning sunrise after an early morning hike or patiently waiting for wildlife to appear, these photographers revel in the act of photographing itself.

Reliving the Moment Through Photographs

On the other hand, there are photographers who find joy in examining, editing, and appreciating their images after they've been captured. These individuals often cherish the memories and emotions associated with each photograph, as well as the effort it took to create them. For them, photography is about capturing a moment in time and reliving it through their images.

My Personal Journey

As I've grown in my photography journey, I've found myself shifting between these two perspectives. Right now, I'm all about the thrill of the hunt. I love going out with my camera and discovering new scenes and moments. It's an exciting adventure where I have no expectations, and I'm okay with that.

However, I've also experienced the satisfaction of immersing myself in the editing process, fine-tuning my images, and extracting every last detail. I've experimented with shooting raw images to get the most data possible and played around with different editing styles as my preferences have evolved over time.

Finding Your Balance

The beauty of photography is that it's not a zero-sum game. We can embrace both aspects or focus on one, depending on our current interests and needs. If you find yourself feeling stuck or frustrated, take a step back and assess what truly brings you joy in photography. It's okay to shift your focus and allow your passions to guide your creative process.

Seeking Inspiration

If you're ever feeling overwhelmed, don't hesitate to explore photography books from famous and not-so-famous photographers. These can be a fantastic source of inspiration, sparking new ideas and motivating you to experiment with your own photography.

Share Your Thoughts

I'd love to hear from you! Which type of photographer are you? Do you prefer the act of photographing, or do you cherish the photographs themselves? Remember, there's no right or wrong answer; it's all about finding what resonates with you.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of the two types of photographers. If you haven't already, consider subscribing to my monthly newsletter, Focal Point, for photography techniques, tips, and inspiration sent straight to your inbox.


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